Tuesday 14 December 2010

Always and Forever

I Cant wait to spend my life with you baby! xxx

Friday 12 November 2010

ill be gone

ill be gone
ill be gone
ill be gone
soon soon
ill be goneoutta your life
ill be gone
before you can say goodbye
ill be gone
bet you never thought it would happen
but guess what?
ill be gone

she came for me

how do you heal a broken heart?
will i ever heal again?
will i ever love again?
she came into my life like an angel and she left...
she was here one day the next she wasnt
who is she?
where did she come from?
what does she want from me?
can she make me better?
will she make my days happier?
maybe...becasue she came for me...

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Grey's Anatomy seasom 7 is finally here!!!

wonder what surprises were gnna have this season?....


Finally got the torch its awesome! an i phone and a blackberry put together....upstil now i have no problems takes alittle time getting used to though...its comes wth the new Blackberry 6 operating system.

its awesome everyone should get one!

Tuesday 31 August 2010


It feels strange going around the globe alone without you.

It was meant to be us together exploring new places.

I’m flying solo now and your probably making the same plans with someone else now.

Was meant to be you and me and now our plans are yours and his

Our life and what it was meant to be, or could have been. You have given my space to someone else now and there’s nothing I can do about it.

You say you’ll never fall in love again, hell I know you’ve fallen.

I’m taking it all back to the start and hitting restart.

If you would have waited and given me another chance I’d do things differently.

You said you’d never fall in love again, hell I know you’ve fallen.

Now I’m flying solo and I want to take it back to the start and hit restart

Coz baby I’d do things differently starting off with you.

You took my heart and tore it apart.

You said you’d never fall again but I know you have fallen.

Now I’m hitting restart.

Thursday 15 July 2010


Imagine being in love with someone who used to love you not very long ago.... does love really just disappear like that? Is it even possible for someone who you thought would do anything for you suddenly doesn’t love you anymore?

We all make mistakes...big mistakes even but love is above all....there’s a will to change...everything is possible but what’s the point?

What do you do when the one person you turned to when you were hurting is the one hurting you now?

What would you do when everything that made sense had no meaning anymore?

What would you do when the one person who saw you as their world yesterday sees you as nothing today?

What would you do if you lost everything?

What would you do if you were me?